Becoming a Better Sewist

This year I am committed to become a better sewist. I think the best way I can do this is to sew more often. After all, practice makes perfect, right? And to make myself more accountable, I have decided to join some sewing challenges.

Sewing Challenges

Sewing challenges can be found on Instagram, Facebook, blogs, etc. I have selected several to participate in this year.
  • Make Nine Challenge. For this challenge, you just decide on nine projects or skills you want to do for the year. This is very easy for people that tend to over-commit and makes for a challenge that most anyone can do. The challenge is posted on Instagram using the hashtag #2019MakeNine or #MakeNine. (I'll share as I make any of my nine choices but you can follow me on Instagram to see my collage of my Make Nine choices.) This is a year long challenge.
  • Sew Twists and Ties. I have never sewn anything with twists, ties, or knots. They are out of my comfort zone. But that is exactly what I am going to try to do this year — challenge myself. So, I will try this! As it is, I already own a few patterns that fit the criteria. Any sewing makes are to be shared on Instagram with the hashtag #sewtwistsandties. This challenge runs January and February so you better get started if you want to join!
  • 52 Week Sewing Challenge. This is actually a Facebook group that you can join. Each week is a different challenge and you can either accept the challenge or reject and sew something else entirely. There are also sponsors for each week (looks like a fabric company and a pattern company). If you use the either the sponsors for that week's challenge, then you get a bonus entry in the weekly contest where they are cool prizes. If you participate in every challenge for the quarter, there is also a drawing for the quarter. You create an album to keep up with all of your entries. Of course, I will also be sharing mine on Instagram and my blog! I like this because I really, really want to sew more this year and this challenge alone will make me sew each week!
  • Make Your Stash. Actually, they had this last year and so I am just hoping that it will be announced that it returns this year. It is an Instagram challenge where you sew fabric that you have had for six months or longer and sew it up! Use the hashtag #makeyourstash. This challenge I think is for March through May and was hosted by @timetosew and @pilar_bear.
  • Me Made May. This was the first sewing challenge I was ever aware of and I am pretty sure it is the largest challenge. You can sign up if you want at the blog So Zo What Do You Know in April. Then you try to wear something you made every day in May and share it on social media with #memademay.
  • Sew Photo Hop. Last September, @houseofpinheiro hosted #sewphotohop. Each day you are given a them and take a sewing related picture. Unfortunately, I didn't discover this one until December so I missed it. I am really hoping she does it again this year so I can participate. I wrote it down on my calendar so I will be reminded to watch out for it. While this is not actually sewing, it is sewing related and I really need to brush up on my photography anyway. And I usually try to do a photography challenge sometime during the year too.
  • #bpSewvember. Speaking of photo challenges, this is another one. This one is hosted by Amanda of Bimble & Pimble blog.  It runs in November (again, hoping it returns because I missed it) and you post on Instagram.
There's one more that I might consider this year. Nice Dress Thanks I Made It hosts Designin December where you find a RTW (ready to wear) inspiration piece and recreate it. Inspiration can come from anywhere. I was watching When Calls the Heart last night and fell in love with a coat. I tried to find a better picture of it online but haven't been able to yet. I guess I will rewatch that episode and try to take a photo of the television screen with my camera. Making a coat like the one I saw though will be a huge challenge for me so that's why I need to be sewing all year long! If you know of any other sewing challenges, please let me and I'll add them to this list.

This post originally appeared on my blog, This blog is dedicated to my sewing adventures.
